Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Buy American

One of the prime reasons this country is broke, is because politicians from BOTH, sides, have legislated, litigated, taxed, spent, and gave away this country to the point of near failure. To make matters worse, the majority of Americans, have allowed this to happen, by purchasing the cheaper goods at Wally World, and Dollar shop, without regards to where it was made. Now this country is short of good jobs that were offered by the manufacturing industries that made this country successful. The reason that teenagers can't find beginners jobs, is because working at the Burger joints, or stocking shelves during non-school hours at various stores, is being done by adult workers, that used to be employed at factories. What happened to those jobs. They went overseas, because of the costs of Taxes. Taxes from every direction. Taxes on what they sell, taxes on the energy they use, taxes for un-employment benefits, taxes on environmental issues, taxes on thier property, and the list is near endless. Not only did those jobs go overseas ..... the technology and skills went with them. What is left, is the low pay jobs, stocking shelves at Wally World, with crap made in China, India, and former cannibal countries. Our stupid government can't figure out why unemployment is over 10%, and why the Treasurey can not raise funds.
As Forrest Gump sez, Stupid is, as Stupid does! For anyone that should read this, I suggest that you look at labels on packages, and go to ....... www.madeinusa.org or www.madeinusa.com
You would be surprised at what you can find here.
I am a hard workin, Jeep drivin, spam eatin, All American. Buy American or Pay The Price.
Freedom Is Not Free!